Of all the emergent technologies that have benefited the video industries over the last few years, 5G connectivity has the potential to have the biggest lasting effect.
“Our strategy is that we don’t ask customers to replace everything. An advantage is the products from acquisitions are abstract, so as a result it’s all pretty modular.”
It sounds a little counterintuitive but one of the ways that anyone can arm themselves against CDN outages is to understand that there will be CDN outages.
Gaining visibility into viewers’ QoE is the holy grail for online TV providers. Not only can this lens detect flaws in the network or delivery path, but it can help online TV providers find ways to optimize their service to...
Finding the optimal delivery path is the holy grail of delivering the best viewing experience. But how can you carry out the required action, such as changing from one CDN to another during an on-going video stream within the buffered...
5G has been edging its way to the forefront of the broadcast and media industry’s mind over the last year as a revolutionary technology standard that accelerates connectivity and enhances experiences. But conversations around 5G and 5G video streaming have...